Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peter King vs. Islam

Peter King: Definition of Ignorant

            Hey all, I am coming to you today to discuss this controversial topic of Peter King vs. Islam. We have one man that supposedly represents some part of this country that says that Muslims are basically nothing more than America's enemies. According to Peter King, Muslims are "an enemy living amongst us". Peter King says that at least 80% of all mosques in America are ruled by Muslim extremists. Mr. King also says that no Muslims within America ever coroperate with law enforcement...Really? Where are your facts to back up your statements...He had absolutely nothing to support his claims against Muslims and will now hopefully become a laughing stock among us all.  Peter King needs to also realize that 100% of what he says is completely bogus and completely based on his frustrations, skewed opinions, and revenge he wants to gather from 9/11. While as an American people we are all upset over such a tragedy we have to understand that it is not every Muslims fault that this has happened. While it is only a certain terrorist group that happens to follow Islam within not only the Middle East, but now all over the world. As a country, we have learned from our mistakes such as Japanese internment camps during World War II. At that time, we singled out the race of Japanese Americans and saw them all as a threat to our welfare and we isolated them from us. Actions such as this are uncalled for and it seems that this is exactly what Mr. Peter King wants.

      Most of the Muslims that come to America to escape such unrest in their home nations, not to strike fear within the American public. We all have to realize if we see a woman with a hijab on or a man praying on the rug toward Mecca, we cannot feel fear within us. If we so much as hear a language that we feel is from the Middle East, especially on an airplane, we all get a little uncomfortable, BUT we all have to realize the is a nation of people .We CANNOT call all terrorist Muslims, because they are not. Terrorist can be anyone at anytime that decides to strike fear within the public.  If Jared Lee Loughner(man that shot and killed many outside a grocery store in Tucson, including injuring Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords) was a Muslim, we would all be against all Muslims again, yet because he was a white male, we all say "what a shame" or "he wasn’t right in the head". What about his religion? Let's say he is catholic...Would we all point the finger at the Catholics around the world? We need to educate ourselves on who is actually at fault when it comes to the attacks of September 11th and who we as a nation are actually fighting against.

    We are not fighting Muslims; we are fighting terroristic groups that happen to be Muslim. Before I wrap up this blog post, I would like to say I am a Christian and NOT a Muslim. I do not believe in the Muslim traditions or beliefs but I do respect the people within the religion. I respect people that have done no harm and it is a shame that people of Islam that come to America get blamed and portrayed in such a bad way. We as a nation need to inform ourselves of the truth, starting with the ignorant Mr. Peter King.

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